We offer CCD classes for children and RCIA for adults that wish to do the sacraments. For more information, please call the rectory. 
RCIA. The Rite Of Christian Initiation for Adults

Invites people to learn more about becoming Catholics and full reception of the sacraments.

Sponsor Requirements for Confirmation Godparent

These are the requirements for sponsoring a child:

  1. To be at least 16 years old; to be single or married through the Catholic Church.
  2. To have received the three Sacraments (Baptism, Communion, Confirmation).
  3. To attend mass weekly and approach the sacrament of communion frequently and reconciliation regularly.
  4. To be registered parishioner at least 2 months before the required date. The church only allows 1 (one) sponsor for Confirmation.

If you have changed your phone number or email, update your contact information at the Religious Education Office in the School.  In this way, we are going to be able to contact you, if needed.